Garden for Boston, on view 06.22—10.12.21, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Graphic design of outdoor signs and indoor video wall. Assisted artists with billboard design and managed print production of billboards for Garden for Boston, an outdoor garden intervention on the front lawn of the MFA.

The two installations were built to promote public access to the Museum grounds, to emphasize the history of the land and make a more engaging outdoor space for all. The beds of corn and sunflowers which form the exhibition, in part act as a response to Cyrus Dallin’s contentious bronze sculpture Appeal to the Great Spirit (1909). By using native plants and materials, the artists emphasize the endurance of their ancestors on the local land and offer new ways of representation and memorial.

Exhibition featured in The Boston Globe, Forbes, and First American Art Magazine


Real Photo Postcards: Pictures from a Changing Nation


Digital Iridescence: Jell-O in New Media